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Wednesday, November 30, 2011
5 Ways To Get Your First Freelance Client
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pFreelancing can be fun and exciting, especially when you#8217;re first getting started./p
pYou have a new income stream, a new amount of freedom and control, and if feels like you#8217;re taking charge of your skills and talents./p
pOf course, those are just a pipe dreams if you can#8217;t a href="http://freelanceswitch.com/blog/explore/finding-clients-jobs/"find a client/a./p
pSo how do you get started? How do you actually go about finding that first client? I don#8217;t have all the answers, but here are a few ideas for kick-starting your freelance career.span id="more-20724"/span/p
h21. Work for your friends and family./h2
pWhile I don#8217;t like the idea of continually selling your services to friends and family, the truth is that this is a great way to get started./p
pFor example, a social media consultant might get their start by working for their uncle#8217;s business. A wedding invitation creator might start by creating cards for their cousin#8217;s wedding./p
pWhatever your task may be, jobs for friends and family are usually easy to find and mdash;�even if they aren#8217;t paying as well as you would like mdash; they can be a good way to build your portfolio when you don#8217;t have one./p
h22. Ask for referrals./h2
pIf you want to get started as a freelancer, then you need to spread the word. Let people know what you#8217;re up to and ask them if they know anyone who might need what you#8217;re offering./p
blockquote class="pullquote"pA helpful hint: when you ask for referrals, make sure to use the right language. Instead of saying what you do, describe the problem that the client faces./p/blockquote
pAlmost every freelancer I know got their start by working with people they already knew or #8220;friends of friends.#8221; It#8217;s up to you to get the word out, but people are usually willing to help you get started./p
pemA helpful hint: when you ask for referrals, make sure to use the right language. Instead of saying what you do, describe the problem that the client faces./em/p
pFor example, web designers won#8217;t get much work if they say, #8220;I#8217;m a freelance designer. I do HTML, CSS, some PHP, and Photoshop.#8221; /p
pBut you#8217;ll see much better results if you say, #8220;I help people who are frustrated with the way their website looks. If you hear anyone talking about their site, feel free to send them my way.#8221;/p
pLet people know who you help, so they can put you in touch with the right person. Leave the technical jargon at home./p
h23. Partner with someone who already has access to your target market./h2
pIf you#8217;re just starting out and nobody knows your name, don#8217;t worry! You can easily connect with your target market by partnering with a relevant group./p
pYou don#8217;t have to be an influencer, you just need to connect with one./p
pWant to start a freelance dog walking business? Partner with the local pet store owner. You can recommend their leashes and dog food to your clients, and they can recommend your services to their customers./p
pWant to teach guitar on the side? Partner with the local music shop. You can recommend their strings and picks to your clients, and they can put your business cards and a flyer by their cash register./p
pWant to become a freelance writer? Partner with a graphic designer who designs brochures, reports, and other documents. They can suggest your writing services to clients who aren#8217;t comfortable with their writing skills and you can pay the designer a small referral fee each time they send business your way./p
h24. Go to live conferences, trade shows, and events./h2
blockquote class="pullquote"pIf you show up at relevant events and meet people live, then you#8217;re bound to start having success./p/blockquote
pThere is something about meeting people in person that just makes you friends. Once you#8217;ve spent time with someone face to face, you#8217;re buddies./p
pIf you show up at relevant events and meet people live, then you#8217;re bound to start having success./p
pThat said, don#8217;t walk around and shove your business card in everyone#8217;s face. Take your time, have a real conversation, and when the other person asks what you do just naturally talk about your services. If you want, you can even throw in at the end, #8220;If you know anyone looking for that, just let me know.#8221;/p
h25. Write about your topic./h2
pWe often see people who write about a certain topic as being an expert./p
pIf you start a blog and begin writing about your freelance topic consistently, then you#8217;ll gradually develop an audience and respect within your industry. (You#8217;ll have to promote the site as well, but that#8217;s a story for a different article.)/p
pIt takes a little longer to build, but there are plenty of freelancers who have a steady stream of business just from their online audience./p
pemAnother tip: Make it easy for your readers to pay you. Set up a #8220;Services#8221; page or a #8220;Hire Me#8221; page and allow people to click-through and pay you right then and there./em/p
h3Get Out There/h3
pAnd there you have it. Five solid ways of getting your first freelance client./p
pNow, get out there and start pulling in some cash. It#8217;s not as hard as you might think./p
pemPhoto credit: a title="Attribution License" href="http://photodune.net/wiki/support/legal-terms/licensing-terms/"Some rights reserved/a by a href="http://photodune.net/item/chess/598065?WT.ac=item_similar_thumb#038;WT.seg_1=item_similar_thumb#038;WT.z_author=xilius"xilius/a/em./p
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A few weeks ago we launched a special Freebie Friday edition, giving away a Subscription to Ultimate Designer Toolkit?s 60.000 Designer Items to three lucky readers. Scroll down the the bottom of the post to see the winners and check out the 50% exclusive discount for Inspired Mag readers if you’re not among them! What [...]
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Tuesday, November 29, 2011
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Monday, November 28, 2011
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Seven Tips for the Beginning Freelance Writer
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pa href="http://freelanceswitch.com/blog/explore/getting-started-as-a-freelancer/"Starting out as a freelance writer/a is not as easy as it appears. Learning how to become a freelance writer requires business considerations, not just writing chops./p
pBeyond getting out there and securing contracts, you need to be self-motivated and organized. This is a difficult transition, especially if you don?t have colleagues or friends who have been in the field and can help you along./p
pIf you?re just starting out and hoping to make your livelihood writing, take a look at the seven tips below. Keep in mind that these are geared toward beginners who are pursuing freelance writing as a full-time job?not for those who simply do a little extra writing on nights and weekends.span id="more-20311"/span /p
h21. Find A Space to Call Your Own/h2
pAlthough you may think that all freelance writers spend their days on the couch in front of the TV, you will quickly discover that motivation is tied to physical surroundings. It is of utmost importance that you have a space set aside where work happens?not a space where loafing happens, with a bit of work sprinkled in here and there. /p
pSome freelance writers are fortunate enough to have space to build a home office where it?s easier to focus and feel accountable. If this isn?t an option for you, search for a suitable place near your home. /p
pSome libraries, especially if you live in a larger urban area, provide ample room and an atmosphere made for focusing. Other options are community centers, coffee shops, and even public parks (if the weather obliges). /p
pKeep in mind that if you set up in a coffee shop you?ll need to give it your business; buy something at least every two hours, if not every hour. If you can?t afford to do this, you shouldn?t set up in a coffee shop?it?s as simple as that./p
h22. Develop a Regular Schedule/h2
pSimilar to creating your work space, you?ll need to create your daily freelance schedule. Some writers like to work in time blocks?say, wake up and work for 3 hours; take a 2 hour break for exercise and errands; come back and work another 3 hours; eat dinner and have nightly activities; then, get in 2 more hours of work before bed. Others like to be more regimented, and treat their freelancing as a full-time, 8-to-5 affair. /p
pObviously, your time schedules and strategies can vary depending on what kind of work you?re doing. What?s important to remember is that you need to set up a system that holds you accountable every day (even if your schedule holds you accountable to take a day off!)./p
h23. Remember Self-Employment Taxes/h2
pWhile your dollar-per-hour wage may seem high, you have to remember that being a freelance writer means you will need to pay quarterly self-employment taxes. You will be held accountable for your taxes. Federal self-employment tax rates are higher than tax rates for W2 workers./p
pThis means, beyond having to remember to send a check to the government every quarter, you will need to save a substantial amount of money from your paychecks. One easy thing to do is simply save the same percentage from every check you get. The specific amount is between you and your accountant, but for many it?s wise to save at least one-quarter of your earnings for tax purposes./p
h24. Buy Yourself the Things You Need/h2
pHowever much you should think about saving, you should also be practical about spending. Acknowledging what equipment and tools you need is crucial to your success as a freelance writer. Make sure you have a fast, working computer. Typically, freelance writers use laptops so they can work at various sites./p
pAdditionally, many freelance writing jobs are last-minute?someone wants a press release edited, a company?s new website needs further unforeseen content, etc. Investing in a Smartphone is a good option so that you may pursue every freelance opportunity available to you./p
h25. Get to Know Others in Your Field/h2
pNetworking is obviously a big part of being self-employed. You need people in your field to recognize your name and respect your work. But networking shouldn?t be limited to just other writers./p
pGraphic designers are great people to buddy up with?if you recommend them to your employers, they can recommend you to theirs. Additionally, having experience working with designers can make you a shoo-in for future projects. Employers believe there is a greater chance of receiving a cohesive, well-constructed project, with you involved./p
h26. Update Your Invoices in Real Time/h2
pIt#8217;s important to accurately log your time as a freelance writer. Getting behind leads to mistakes, which can lose you money. /p
pEven if you spend ten minutes researching for an article in-between other projects, that is ten minutes of time you should bill for. If you have a Smartphone, there are even apps available to help you log your time and create invoices on-the-go. /p
h27. Look at It One More Time/h2
pLastly, when you send final content to your employer, you have to be absolutely certain that your work does not contain errors. You don?t need to be obsessive or neurotic, but you do need to be vigilant about editing; a rough draft is good, but three to five rough drafts are better. /p
pSet up a rule of thumb. For instance: never send anything to an employer without giving it three final looks. Your polished work will help you gain trust, and help you become a better writer. /p
pemPhoto credit: a title="Attribution License" href="http://photodune.net/wiki/support/legal-terms/licensing-terms/"Some rights reserved/a by a href="http://photodune.net/item/antique-preqwerty-typewriter/619893"backyardproductions/a/em./p
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Sunday, November 27, 2011
Can Google+ for Businesses Compete with Facebook/Twitter?
Google+ Pages are here, and major businesses are already jumping on board. Having lost a certain amount of the summer?s momentum for personal users, Google may be hoping that a strong showing by the business sector will reverse the increasingly lackluster overall view of the company?s social network. “For you and me, this means we [...]
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Can Google+ for Businesses Compete with Facebook/Twitter?
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Best photoshop tutorials on the web that let you achieve amazing effects using various photoshop techniques./li
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Linkswitch #92, Big File Transfer, Google +, Web Design Guidelines
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pEvery other week we roundup some of the highest quality articles and resources that benefit freelancers from across the web. We present these articles here on various helpful topics. This week we have articles on top apps for transferring big files, how Google+ can help creative freelancers, new guidelines for web designers, and more./p
pa href="http://freelanceswitch.com/freelancing-essentials/transfer-big-files/"Transfer Big Files: The Top 7 Tools You Should Use/aem
pIf you work online, and most of us do in some capacity, it?s likely that you?ll have to transfer big files from time to time. Usually, the quickest way to transfer big files or share your work with someone is to email it to them, which means you just attach it to the email ? right?/p
pNot so fast my friend. The problem, of course, is that most email clients have an attachment limit of 25MB. I?ve had Powerpoint presentations that are well over that limit. If you find yourself in a similar predicament, check out some of the following tools./p
pa href="http://www.redlemonclub.com/social-media/10-ways-google-is-better-than-facebook-for-creative-freelancers/"10 ways Google+ is Better than Facebook for Creative Freelancers/aem
pPeople are understandably hesitant about using Google?s recent addition to social networking in the form of Google+. Surely having a presence on Facebook, blogs, LinkedIn, Twitter and more, is enough for sharing content and promoting ourselves! Facebook alone can prove to be an enormous time-burner./p
pa href="http://freelancefolder.com/10-new-guidelines-for-web-designers-for-2012/"10 New Guidelines for Web Designers for 2012/aem
pTo capitalize on the earning potential of web design industry there has been surge in the number of custom service web design providers. However, only a handful of freelancers are able to sense the change in the industry dynamics and add value to their creative ideas during implementation. In order for you to stay competitive, effective, and yet innovative with your web designs I propose the following ten guidelines./p
pspan id="more-21777"/span/p
pa href="http://www.socialmediaexaminer.com/copyright-fair-use-and-how-it-works-for-online-images/"Copyright Fair Use and How it Works for Online Images/aem
pYou?ve heard the adage that a picture is worth a thousand words, but when that picture is protected by copyright, the picture is only worth three words: cease and desist. OK, that?s kind of a lawyer joke. But it illustrates how protective people are about finding their images used online without permission. Copyright laws were established not to give the author the right to deny their work to other people, but instead to encourage its creation./p
pa href="http://www.problogger.net/archives/2011/11/25/10-productive-tasks-you-should-be-doing-on-google-right-now"10 Productive Tasks You Should Be Doing On Google+ Right Now/aem
pGoogle+ had a hot start, but has since cooled down. For a lot of people, that means ignoring Google+. I want to warn you that is a bad idea. Although the lights are on and it seems like nobody is home, trust me: there are people there. And they are the very people who can have a huge impact on your blog and business./p
pa href="http://tentblogger.com/email-networking/"How Email is Still the Best Networking Tool You?ve Got/aem
pEmail is not dead ? it has been, by far, the most important and effective way of communicating with other bloggers, writers, and people in the online world. In fact, I?d suggest it might be vastly more important and better than Twitter and Facebook combined, with a cherry on top! Email has become the lifeblood of networking, sharing of insightful tips and stories, and opportunities at guest posts./p
pa href="http://gigaom.com/collaboration/another-reason-to-work-remotely-commuting-is-killing-you"Another reason to work remotely: Commuting is killing you/aem
pSky high gas bills, uncontrollable road rage, unpleasant body odors on packed trains: The many downsides of commuting are well-documented and already constitute a solid argument in favor of opting to work remotely. But a recent study out of Lund University in Sweden offers another reason to trade your train pass for a home office: Your commute is bad for your health./p
pa href="http://www.thesimpledollar.com/2011/11/22/the-unemployment-plan"The Unemployment Plan/aem
pStart building a side gig. Even with all of these things, you?re going to have some time to burn. Use it productively. Make an effort to start a side business in an area you?re passionate about, whatever that might be. I know one person who moonlights as a high school sports referee. Another person I know makes art that he sells on Etsy. The key is to start something that will bring you some income now, but more importantly has the possibility to grow into something later./p
pa href="http://the99percent.com/articles/7107/10-Books-to-Gift-the-Geeky-Creative-in-Your-Life"10 Books to Gift the Geeky Creative in Your Life/aem
pDig into books that really dig into the nitty gritty of the creative process, productivity strategies, and/or the future of technology. Now, with our tastes fully disclosed, here#8217;s a highly subjective list of our favorite new(ish) nonfiction titles that would make great gifts for the brainiac in your life./p
pa href="http://smallbiztrends.com/2011/11/how-small-heroic-acts-of-kindness-will-grow-your-business.html"How (Small) Heroic Acts of Kindness Will Grow Your Business/aem
pIs everyone in my business ready to go the extra mile? Do they have permission? Are they inspired? Do I celebrate heroism every day? How would I rate my intent and ability to enable and deliver heroic acts of kindness? Do customers rave about your heroic acts of kindness today? How does my decision to go the extra mile compare with this beloved company? Let?s identify one simple gesture you can make to give people permission, ability and the freedom to go the extra mile./p
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Solo: a project management app for the modern freelancer
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Solo: a project management app for the modern freelancer
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11 Ways to Influence People Online and Make Them Take Action
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Saturday, November 26, 2011
45 jQuery Image Gallery/Slider Tutorials and Plugins
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Photoshop Tutorial - Basic Actions (Part 1)
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Seven Tips for the Beginning Freelance Writer
img src='http://rss.buysellads.com/img.php?z=1259904k=f7b7931ec28da9e4ff2580bfd4eddb18a=20311c=860820582' border='0' alt='' //a/pbr /pimg src="http://freelanceswitch.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/10/antique-preqwerty-typewriter.jpg" alt="" title="Antique pre-QWERTY typewriter" width="550" height="257" class="aligncenter imageborder size-full wp-image-20313" //p
pa href="http://freelanceswitch.com/blog/explore/getting-started-as-a-freelancer/"Starting out as a freelance writer/a is not as easy as it appears. Learning how to become a freelance writer requires business considerations, not just writing chops./p
pBeyond getting out there and securing contracts, you need to be self-motivated and organized. This is a difficult transition, especially if you don?t have colleagues or friends who have been in the field and can help you along./p
pIf you?re just starting out and hoping to make your livelihood writing, take a look at the seven tips below. Keep in mind that these are geared toward beginners who are pursuing freelance writing as a full-time job?not for those who simply do a little extra writing on nights and weekends.span id="more-20311"/span /p
h21. Find A Space to Call Your Own/h2
pAlthough you may think that all freelance writers spend their days on the couch in front of the TV, you will quickly discover that motivation is tied to physical surroundings. It is of utmost importance that you have a space set aside where work happens?not a space where loafing happens, with a bit of work sprinkled in here and there. /p
pSome freelance writers are fortunate enough to have space to build a home office where it?s easier to focus and feel accountable. If this isn?t an option for you, search for a suitable place near your home. /p
pSome libraries, especially if you live in a larger urban area, provide ample room and an atmosphere made for focusing. Other options are community centers, coffee shops, and even public parks (if the weather obliges). /p
pKeep in mind that if you set up in a coffee shop you?ll need to give it your business; buy something at least every two hours, if not every hour. If you can?t afford to do this, you shouldn?t set up in a coffee shop?it?s as simple as that./p
h22. Develop a Regular Schedule/h2
pSimilar to creating your work space, you?ll need to create your daily freelance schedule. Some writers like to work in time blocks?say, wake up and work for 3 hours; take a 2 hour break for exercise and errands; come back and work another 3 hours; eat dinner and have nightly activities; then, get in 2 more hours of work before bed. Others like to be more regimented, and treat their freelancing as a full-time, 8-to-5 affair. /p
pObviously, your time schedules and strategies can vary depending on what kind of work you?re doing. What?s important to remember is that you need to set up a system that holds you accountable every day (even if your schedule holds you accountable to take a day off!)./p
h23. Remember Self-Employment Taxes/h2
pWhile your dollar-per-hour wage may seem high, you have to remember that being a freelance writer means you will need to pay quarterly self-employment taxes. You will be held accountable for your taxes. Federal self-employment tax rates are higher than tax rates for W2 workers./p
pThis means, beyond having to remember to send a check to the government every quarter, you will need to save a substantial amount of money from your paychecks. One easy thing to do is simply save the same percentage from every check you get. The specific amount is between you and your accountant, but for many it?s wise to save at least one-quarter of your earnings for tax purposes./p
h24. Buy Yourself the Things You Need/h2
pHowever much you should think about saving, you should also be practical about spending. Acknowledging what equipment and tools you need is crucial to your success as a freelance writer. Make sure you have a fast, working computer. Typically, freelance writers use laptops so they can work at various sites./p
pAdditionally, many freelance writing jobs are last-minute?someone wants a press release edited, a company?s new website needs further unforeseen content, etc. Investing in a Smartphone is a good option so that you may pursue every freelance opportunity available to you./p
h25. Get to Know Others in Your Field/h2
pNetworking is obviously a big part of being self-employed. You need people in your field to recognize your name and respect your work. But networking shouldn?t be limited to just other writers./p
pGraphic designers are great people to buddy up with?if you recommend them to your employers, they can recommend you to theirs. Additionally, having experience working with designers can make you a shoo-in for future projects. Employers believe there is a greater chance of receiving a cohesive, well-constructed project, with you involved./p
h26. Update Your Invoices in Real Time/h2
pIt#8217;s important to accurately log your time as a freelance writer. Getting behind leads to mistakes, which can lose you money. /p
pEven if you spend ten minutes researching for an article in-between other projects, that is ten minutes of time you should bill for. If you have a Smartphone, there are even apps available to help you log your time and create invoices on-the-go. /p
h27. Look at It One More Time/h2
pLastly, when you send final content to your employer, you have to be absolutely certain that your work does not contain errors. You don?t need to be obsessive or neurotic, but you do need to be vigilant about editing; a rough draft is good, but three to five rough drafts are better. /p
pSet up a rule of thumb. For instance: never send anything to an employer without giving it three final looks. Your polished work will help you gain trust, and help you become a better writer. /p
pemPhoto credit: a title="Attribution License" href="http://photodune.net/wiki/support/legal-terms/licensing-terms/"Some rights reserved/a by a href="http://photodune.net/item/antique-preqwerty-typewriter/619893"backyardproductions/a/em./p
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What We Couldn?t Work Without
img src='http://rss.buysellads.com/img.php?z=1259904k=f7b7931ec28da9e4ff2580bfd4eddb18a=21501c=162133478' border='0' alt='' //a/pbr /pEvery freelancer out there has a bag of tricks they wouldn?t want to do work without?whether it?s their computer, useful software, or their favorite radio station. Find out what sorts of things help FreelanceSwitch.com contributors during their workday. /p
pPerhaps their advice will inspire you to try something new, or reaffirm that what you currently use is the best in the biz./p
pstronga rel="attachment wp-att-21515" href="http://freelanceswitch.com/interviews/what-we-couldnt-work-without/attachment/davidsm-2/"img class="alignright imageborder size-full wp-image-21515" src="http://freelanceswitch.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/11/davidsm1.jpg" alt="" width="108" height="108" //aMy Apple Kit/strong/p
pa rel="attachment wp-att-21503" href="http://freelanceswitch.com/interviews/what-we-couldnt-work-without/attachment/davidsm/"/aI regularly use a MacBook Air, iMac, iPad, and iPhone for work. I love the style and function of OSX and iOS, and the quality of these tools is just amazing./p
pI can enjoy a huge screen at home for digging into some in-depth work, and take the super lightweight MacBook Air on the road. My iPhone never leaves my side, and I?m constantly amazed at how much work I can get done on such a tiny device. #8211;a href="http://davidappleyard.neet/"David Appleyard/a/p
pspan id="more-21501"/span/p
pstrongMacBook Pro/strong/p
pMy MacBook Pro is my best partner when it comes to visiting clients and presenting projects. #8211;a href="http://www.imativa.com/"Eliffio Rodriguez/a/p
pstronga rel="attachment wp-att-21514" href="http://freelanceswitch.com/interviews/what-we-couldnt-work-without/attachment/melaniesm-2/"img class="alignleft imageborder size-full wp-image-21514" src="http://freelanceswitch.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/11/melaniesm1.jpg" alt="" width="108" height="108" //aMy iPad2/strong/p
pa rel="attachment wp-att-21504" href="http://freelanceswitch.com/interviews/what-we-couldnt-work-without/attachment/melaniesm/"/aThis was a wedding gift from my husband. He even got me a digital camera plug in and 3G service?two things that really bugged me about the iPad./p
pI had no idea how much I would use it when working away from the office. I especially love that I can take photos at the wedding shows I attend for my job and instantly upload them to our Facebook page and Twitter account.#8211;a href="http://www.realmaineweddings.com"Melanie Brooks/a/p
h3Creative Software/span/h3
pstronga rel="attachment wp-att-21513" href="http://freelanceswitch.com/interviews/what-we-couldnt-work-without/attachment/thursdaysm-2/"img class="alignright imageborder size-full wp-image-21513" src="http://freelanceswitch.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/11/thursdaysm1.jpg" alt="" width="108" height="108" //aText Expander/strong/p
pa href="http://www.smilesoftware.com/TextExpander/"Text Expander/a is a great little piece of software that lets me use shortcuts to place large blocks of test. When I type ?FSW,? for instance, it automatically converts it as #8220;FreelanceSwitch.com#8221; for me. I have shortcuts for words and phrases I use regularly, as well as templates for documents and emails.#8211;a href="http://www.thursdaybram.com/"Thursday Bram/a/p
pstronga rel="attachment wp-att-21512" href="http://freelanceswitch.com/interviews/what-we-couldnt-work-without/attachment/jamessm-2/"img class="alignleft imageborder size-full wp-image-21512" src="http://freelanceswitch.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/11/jamessm1.jpg" alt="" width="108" height="108" //aWordPress/strong/p
pa href="http://wordpress.com/"WordPress/a is pretty simple?I wouldn?t have a website without it. Furthermore, I couldn?t do freelance web design without it. My skills are built around the WordPress framework and it allows me to do my job quickly and effectively.#8212;a href="http://passivepanda.com/"James Clear/a/p
pstrongNotational Velocity/strong/p
pa href="http://notational.net/"Notational Velocity/a is everything I need in a word processor. It?s far more simple than Microsoft Word, which just seems bloated to me now. Plus, it automatically saves and syncs with Dropbox, which means all of my writing is backed up and accessible from anywhere as soon as I type it.#8211;a href="http://passivepanda.com/"James Clear/a/p
pstronga rel="attachment wp-att-21521" href="http://freelanceswitch.com/interviews/what-we-couldnt-work-without/attachment/annasm-2/"img class="alignright imageborder size-full wp-image-21521" src="http://freelanceswitch.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/11/annasm1.jpg" alt="" width="108" height="108" //aGIMP/strongbr /
I love open source software. I use a href="http://www.gimp.org/"GIMP/a to edit images and prepare screenshots for my blog.#8211;a href="http://www.photosoftwareblog.com/"Anna Kovaleva/a/p
h3Organizing Software/h3
pstronga rel="attachment wp-att-21511" href="http://freelanceswitch.com/interviews/what-we-couldnt-work-without/attachment/willsm-2/"img class="alignleft imageborder size-full wp-image-21511" src="http://freelanceswitch.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/11/willsm1.jpg" alt="" width="108" height="108" //aWhizfolders Software/strong/p
pI spend most of my day writing for my clients. a href="http://www.whizfolders.com"Whizfolders/a software is an outliner and text editor that I depend on for a lot of my projects. It?s easy to draft things in a modular fashion and then rearrange them later on in the process.#8211;a href="http://www.bestconsultingpractices.com/"Will Kenny/a/p
pa href="http://www.dropbox.com/"Dropbox/a allows for online storage and safety in my business. Every important document I have is backed up on Dropbox. It also allows for rapid data transfer with business partners. Business on the cloud is quick and easy.#8211;a href="http://passivepanda.com/"James Clear/a/p
pKeeping everything in sync between these devices is vital, and a href="http://freelanceswitch.com/productivity/free-online-storage-apps/"Dropbox/a is hands down the most important online service in my life. I can quickly move from one computer to another without needing to move files around manually. It also keeps a backup of all my important files in the cloud to boot!#8211;a href="http://davidappleyard.neet/"David Appleyard/a/p
pI?ve tried many different pieces of ?Getting Things Done? software, all of which have their relative pros and cons. a href="http://www.omnigroup.com/products/omnifocus/"OmniFocus/a is the application that stands out from the crowd, and I use it to manage absolutely everything from listing work that needs to get done on Envato projects to planning how I?m going to cook Christmas dinner for 15 people#8211;a href="http://davidappleyard.neet/"David Appleyard/a/p
pI am the social media maven for a few organizations (including my own). I need to be able to manage Facebook and Twitter efficiently, and a href="http://hootsuite.com/"HootSuite/a allows me to do this.#8211;a href="http://www.realmaineweddings.com/"Melanie Brooks/a/p
pstronga rel="attachment wp-att-21509" href="http://freelanceswitch.com/interviews/what-we-couldnt-work-without/attachment/eliffiosm-2/"img class="alignleft imageborder size-full wp-image-21509" src="http://freelanceswitch.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/11/eliffiosm1.jpg" alt="" width="108" height="108" //aRemember the Milk/strong/p
pI have been using this online to-do list and task management software for organizing my whole life. I?ve been using a href="http://www.rememberthemilk.com/"Remember the Milk/a for years!#8211;a href="http://www.imativa.com/"Eliffio Rodriguez/a/p
pGmail is, by far, my favorite email platform. Besides, it keeps all my important data, notes, files, and contacts.#8211;a href="http://www.photosoftwareblog.com/"Anna Kovaleva /a/p
pstrongA Decent Office Chair/strong/p
pI actually spent four months in physical therapy, on pain killers, and otherwise not doing very well because of using a cheap chair at my desk. Get yourself an a href="http://workawesome.com/office-life/ergonomic-chair/"ergonomic chair/a.#8211;a href="http://www.thursdaybram.com/"Thursday Bram/a/p
pstrongA Timer/strongbr /
I can always manage to work for 15 or 30 minutes at a time, so I use the ?Due? app for iPhone to keep myself a href="http://freelanceswitch.com/productivity/social-media-fatigue/#more-8643"on track and focused/a.#8211;a href="http://www.thursdaybram.com/"Thursday Bram/a/p
pstronga rel="attachment wp-att-21510" href="http://freelanceswitch.com/interviews/what-we-couldnt-work-without/attachment/marthasm/"img class="alignright imageborder size-full wp-image-21510" src="http://freelanceswitch.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/11/marthasm.jpg" alt="" width="108" height="108" //aTelephone/strong/p
pI get most of my business by a href="http://freelanceswitch.com/finding/boost-business-with-4-old-school-marketing-tactics/#more-11345"picking up the phone/a and asking people for their business. It?s not always easy. In fact, most of the time it?s pretty frustrating. But I haven?t found anything else that works as well?not even the exalted social media we hear so much about these days.#8211;a href="http://www.westernskycommunications.com/"Martha Retallick/a/p
pstrongDigital Camera and Computer/strong/p
pI couldn?t be a modern-day graphic designer/photographer without the combination of a a href="http://freelanceswitch.com/interviews/freelancerpro-interview-shooting-for-success/"digital camera /aand computer.#8211;a href="http://www.westernskycommunications.com/"Martha Retallick/a/p
pstrongPen and Paper/strong/p
pA lot of times, the framework for a marketing strategy, website content, or a complex project or document is easier to sketch out on paper than on the computer.#8211;a href="http://www.bestconsultingpractices.com/"Will Kenny/a/p
h3Random Other Stuff/h3
pstrongMy Radio/strong/p
pMy radio is glued to Tuscon?s community radio station, KXCI-FM 91.3. This station plays just about every style of music on the planet. It?s the background friend for my work day.#8211;a href="http://www.westernskycommunications.com/"Martha Retallick/a/p
pstrongMy Dog/strong/p
pMiles the Chihuahua is a wonderful little distraction when I need a break. He has a bed under my desk that he hangs out in while I work, and when my shoulders or eyes start hurting from sitting at my desk and looking at my computer, I dive under my desk for a little affection. He makes me feel like I?m not completely alone all day, even if I am.#8211;a href="http://www.realmaineweddings.com"Melanie Brooks/a/p
pstrongIrish Gaelic Broadcasts/strong/p
pI am a volunteer teacher for an Irish language group in Minnesota (a href="http://www.gaelminn.com/"www.gaelminn.com/a) and listening to Irish language broadcasts, reading news articles, or work on my lesson plans helps recharge my batteries. It is such a complete shift of gears that it does a good job of flushing a lot of debris out of my brain.#8211;a href="http://www.bestconsultingpractices.com/"Will Kenny/a/p
h3There You Have it, Folks!/h3
pTwenty-one different things that FreelanceSwitch freelance contributors wouldn#8217;t work without. strongI bet you have some ideas you#8217;d like to add to this list./strong Please leave them in the comments section below so we can all benefit from each others#8217; expertise and passion!/p
pa href="http://feedads.g.doubleclick.net/~a/1sZGgIsdszdCZAbTy-sSAYjWumE/0/da"img src="http://feedads.g.doubleclick.net/~a/1sZGgIsdszdCZAbTy-sSAYjWumE/0/di" border="0" ismap="true"/img/abr/
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Friday, November 25, 2011
The Labyrinth Effect In Good Looking Designs
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lia href="http://www.tutzor.com/tutorials/how-create-your-own-christmas-card-ready-print"How to create your own Christmas card, ready for print | Tutzor/abr/
Best photoshop tutorials on the web that let you achieve amazing effects using various photoshop techniques./li
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Ian Ritchie: The Day I Turned Down Tim Berners-Lee, Video
img src='http://rss.buysellads.com/img.php?z=1259904k=f7b7931ec28da9e4ff2580bfd4eddb18a=20166c=74055296' border='0' alt='' //a/pbr /pimg src="http://freelanceswitch.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/10/ian.png" alt="" title="ian" width="200" height="186" class="alignright size-full wp-image-20167" //p
pView engaging conference lectures, interesting how to discussions, and high quality freelance advice via video here on FreelanceSwitch./p
pThis week we look at a href="http://www.ted.com/talks/ian_ritchie_the_day_i_turned_down_tim_berners_lee.html"The day I turned down Tim Berners-Lee/a by a href=""Ian Ritchie/a. In this video he goes over one of his biggest fails, not buying into Tim Berners-Lee idea that his World Wide Web would take off. This is a short story about information, connectivity and learning from our mistakes. /p
pspan id="more-20166"/span/p
divobject width="526" height="374"param name="movie" value="http://video.ted.com/assets/player/swf/EmbedPlayer.swf"/paramparam name="allowFullScreen" value="true" /param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always"/param name="wmode" value="transparent"/paramparam name="bgColor" value="#ffffff"/paramparam name="flashvars" value="vu=http://video.ted.com/talk/stream/2011G/Blank/IanRitchie_2011G-320k.mp4#038;su=http://images.ted.com/images/ted/tedindex/embed-posters/IanRitchie_2011G-embed.jpg#038;vw=512#038;vh=288#038;ap=0#038;ti=1244#038;lang=#038;introDuration=15330#038;adDuration=4000#038;postAdDuration=830#038;adKeys=talk=ian_ritchie_the_day_i_turned_down_tim_berners_lee;year=2011;theme=master_storytellers;theme=not_business_as_usual;theme=new_on_ted_com;theme=a_taste_of_tedglobal_2011;theme=technology_history_and_destiny;event=TEDGlobal+2011;tag=Business;tag=Technology;tag=history;tag=web;#038;preAdTag=tconf.ted/embed;tile=1;sz=512x288;" /embed src="http://video.ted.com/assets/player/swf/EmbedPlayer.swf" pluginspace="http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" bgColor="#ffffff" width="526" height="374" allowFullScreen="true" allowScriptAccess="always" flashvars="vu=http://video.ted.com/talk/stream/2011G/Blank/IanRitchie_2011G-320k.mp4#038;su=http://images.ted.com/images/ted/tedindex/embed-posters/IanRitchie_2011G-embed.jpg#038;vw=512#038;vh=288#038;ap=0#038;ti=1244#038;lang=#038;introDuration=15330#038;adDuration=4000#038;postAdDuration=830#038;adKeys=talk=ian_ritchie_the_day_i_turned_down_tim_berners_lee;year=2011;theme=master_storytellers;theme=not_business_as_usual;theme=new_on_ted_com;theme=a_taste_of_tedglobal_2011;theme=technology_history_and_destiny;event=TEDGlobal+2011;tag=Business;tag=Technology;tag=history;tag=web;#038;preAdTag=tconf.ted/embed;tile=1;sz=512x288;"/embed/object
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