As Twitter continues to grow at an incredible pace each day, the importance of the platform grows with it. Developing a strong social media presence and growing your network of followers demands being active on Twitter. Fortunately, there exist many tools out there that assist us in making our life easier and more efficient on Twitter.
Here are ten tools that will increase your efficiency, while allowing you to retain your genuine personality when tweeting.
1. Buffer ? Never Flood Your Followers Again
Full Disclosure: I work on Buffer.
Buffer is an App that allows you to tweet more of the great content you come across each day, without overwhelming your followers. Via one of the browser extensions (Chrome, Firefox, Safari) you can ?Buffer? any article as a Tweet that you come across. Instead of being posted immediately, all these tweets will be tweeted well spaced out over the day.
Best bit: To understand more about what your followers like, you will receive analytics about clicks, retweets and reach for every Tweet Buffered.
2. ? Read top news from Twitter only
Another very innovative new appearance is an app called The App takes all Tweets from your stream and provides you with only the most relevant ones to read. It does that based on most mentioned links from your friends. This means all clutter not providing value for your timeline is filtered out. You can see at one glance which news are most discussed and retweet interesting ones right from there.
Best bit: The best part here is the handy daily digest update, which sends top news straight to your inbox.
3. TwentyFeet ? Google Analytics for your Twitter account
TwentyFeet is a very handy analytics App, allowing you to track all happenings related to your Twitter account. The App shows you easy to understand graphs of your mentions, retweets and follower increases over time. It automatically notifies you with any abnormal changes in these stats, so you can check on whether your Twitter efforts are actually making an impact.
Best bit: It comes in very handy that you can also connect your Facebook and Youtube accounts in order to track analytics from these social networks too.
4. KeepStream ? Create beautiful collections of Tweets
KeepStream basically does what it says. You can take Tweets from your timeline and create a specific collection with them. This allows you to archive some of your favorite tweets, or simply create a transcript form a Twitterchat or conference you have been following. Conveniently, the App creates a preview of the links in Tweets and also offers you easy ways to order the tweets for your needs.
Best bit: A great feature is that the App offers you to embed a collection as a blog post or publish it as a public page you can share and comment on.
5. Proxlet ? Mute Twitter Noise
Proxlet is a fantastic App that allows you to filter out unnecessary Tweets from your native Twitter stream. To me, this means I can get rid of, Foursquare and other services showing up in my timeline, which I don?t consider adding enough value. You can also mute individual users or hashtags, which is helpful if there is a conference or Twitterchat going on that you don?t want to be part of.
Best bit: On top of being available for, the App also ties in with other Twitter clients, such as TweetDeck, Twitter for iPhone and Twitdroyd.
6. ? Track your network
This is another very innovative discovery I have started to use recently. The App shows you which people amongst your followers are the most engaged, which are supporters and which are influencers. You can then go and specifically engage more with these members or extend your network beyond your core followers.
Best bit: The impressive part is that the App also suggests you leads, based on the links in your bio, tracking Tweets from people mentioning there, which aren?t following you.
7. Triberr ? The Reach multiplier for Bloggers
This is an App that can come in very handy if you are maintaining an active blog. You can group together with other bloggers and if anyone of you publishes a new post, all members will retweet it automatically. In order to prevent Spam, the platform is invite only, but well worth checking out. You can create multiple groups, or tribes as they are called, and also get to know others relevant to your niche.
Best bit: What I like most is the fact that the App provides you with complete stats on the amount of clicks you are getting from each of your fellow group members, so you can refine tribes easily.
8. Tweepi ? Easy unfollowing of unwanted followers
In order to get a great discussion going, it can often happen that we start following people without much consideration. If we realize later that there are now a few people that aren?t really suited for following, it can be a pain to get rid of them. With Tweepi, you can easily see which people you are following are inactive, not following you back, or simply tweeting too much. You can unfollow them with just a few clicks.
Best bit: I found it very handy to see that the App also offers you the functionality to reciprocate following people you haven?t been following.
9. Twylah ? Fanpages for your Twitter Account
This is a new App that I soon found helpful after using it for a few weeks. If you sign up, Twylah will create a customized fanpage for you, displaying your tweets according to topics you most Tweet about. For a more engaged experience, the App shows previews of links, including videos and slideshares, as well as pictures on your Twylah page. It is a fantastic place to point others towards, if they want to see what you are most tweeting about.
Best bit: There is an amazing functionality called ?Power Tweet? that will enable you to post special preview links of your tweets, that are surrounded by lots of highly relevant related content.
10. Tweriod ? Start Tweeting when others listen
Tweriod is an App that analyses your Tweeting and in return gives you two simple graphs, suggesting the best time to Tweet. While it isn’t the first App providing you with optimized Tweeting times, it is the one with the most thought-out algorithm to get to results for you. The App takes into account both the impact of your past tweets and also the ones from all your followers.
Best bit: What I like best is the convenience of the service, you simple sign in with Twitter and the App then DM?s you the results once the report is finished.
Organizing Your Twitter Life
Making use of these Apps has helped me to organize my Twitter life in a less cluttered way. The fact that many of thee apps aim to facilitate your workflow with great design is a big plus on the usability.
How about you? Do you think some of these Apps could be useful for you too? I would love to hear your thoughts about them below.
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